Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (Miscarriage)

What is Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (Miscarriage)?

Recurrent pregnancy loss or repeated miscarriage  is defined as having two or more continuous miscarriages. After three repeated miscarriages, a thorough physical exam and testing are recommended in order to determine the cause and effects of such.

Only a small percentage of women (1%) undergo repeated miscarriages.

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Causes and Risks

Most miscarriages are caused genetically; when an embryo receives an abnormal number of chromosomes during fertilization. This type of miscarriage is random which means there is no medical condition that causes it.

However, its chances increase with age.

Translocation is a condition usually found among couples who undergo repeated miscarriages. Usually, one partner has a chromosome in which a piece is transferred to another chromosome. Those with translocation do not show any physical signs or symptoms, but some of their eggs or sperm will have abnormal chromosomes.

If the embryo gets too much or too little genetic material, it often leads to a miscarriage.

Signs of miscarriage

Signs of Miscarriage

Some other problems associated with repeated miscarriage are:-

  • Congenital problems in uterus like septate uterus
  • Asherman syndrome which causes scarring in uterus
  • Buildup of fibroids and polyps
  • APS or antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune disorder which causes increased risks of blood clots. Can result in repeated miscarriages.
  • Women with diabetes are prone to miscarriage.
  • Women with PCOS/PCOD are also under high risk of pregnancy loss.

In most cases of pregnancy loss, however, the cause remains undefined and can only be guessed at by the medical clues available.

Diagnosis and Treatment

The patient’s medical history and details past pregnancies are very important to determine the cause of pregnancy failures.

A complete physical exam, including a pelvic exam, may be done by the doctors. Blood tests are done to detect problems with the immune system. Testing may be done to help detect genetic causes of repeated miscarriages. Imaging tests are done to find out if a uterine problem is causing repeated miscarriages.

The treatment method which will be prescribed by the doctor depends upon the causes behind the pregnancy failures.

  • In case of Chromosome translocation, In vitro fertilization(IVF) treatment with special genetic testing called preimplantation genetic diagnosis may be done to select unaffected embryos.
  • Corrective surgery might help with many uterine problems like fibroids and Uterine septate.
  • Anti-clotting medicine might be given to those who have APS
  • APS or antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune disorder which causes increased risks of blood clots. Can result in repeated miscarriages.

Repeated miscarriages do not mean that the patient won’t have a successful pregnancy again. With right treatment and care most of the women with pregnancy failures are able to conceive again.

Dr. Puneet’s fertility clinic is synonymous with the best pre- and post-natal care in the country. Led by a team of experts who have helped thousands of women with fertility problems over the years. Now, they work together to bring the best of their experience and knowledge under the able guidance of Dr. Puneet Arora.

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Dr. Puneet Rana Arora


Dr. Puneet Rana Arora

Reproductive endocrinology and infertility

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