On the fourth of February, every year, the world celebrates World Cancer Day. An international campaign with the goals of increasing awareness about cancer, encouraging cancer prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment, and pushing for improved access to cancer care is being carried out to achieve these goals.
In the fight against cancer, this day is an opportunity for individuals, communities, governments, and organisations all around the world to come together and work together.
Not only is cancer impacting you, but it may also affect the fertility!
Cancer and its medications have a major effect on fertility in both males and females. The effects can vary depending on the type of tumour, the stage at which it is diagnosed, the specific treatments being suggested for the cure, and patient’s age and overall health.
Certain cancer treatments might cause premature ovarian failure in women, resulting in early menopause. As a result, fertility may be diminished or lost entirely.
Here are a couple of ways cancer might affect fertility.
- Chemotherapy: Many medications, which are used for chemotherapy, target promptly dividing cells, especially cancer cells. However, they may adversely affect cells, that are vital in the body. Women’s ovaries and men’s testicles possess the rapidly dividing cells, which makes them susceptible to chemotherapy damage. The effect on fertility is dependent on the type and dosage of chemotherapy medications used.
- Surgery: The removal of reproductive organs or tumours in the close proximity to these organs, could have a negative impact on fertility. For example, removing the uterus or ovaries in women, or the testicles in men, can result in infertility.
- Radiation Therapy: Exposure to radiation, near reproductive organs, may harm eggs or sperm. The amount of radiation exposure and location together determine the level of damage. Shielding measures can help to limit the amount of damage to reproductive organs.
- Hormonal Changes: Cancer and its treatment options might disrupt the body’s basic hormonal balance, and hinder the reproductive function. Hormonal deviations can affect both periods of menstruation in women and sperm production in males.
Cryopreservation: Before undergoing cancer treatment, people may choose fertility preservation treatments such as egg or sperm freezing. This allows them to utilize their reproductive cells after cancer treatment.
How CIFAR Infertility centre helps you in fertility treatment in Delhi NCR?
CIFAR – Centre for Infertility & Assisted Reproduction Centre employs a staff of qualified and experienced fertility counsellors that support and guide both patients and couples through every stage of fertility treatment. The counselling methods and standards used are on par with the best in the world.
Doctors and staff at CIFAR are well versed with counselling for patients undergoing cancer treatment who need fertility advise- ONCOFERTILITY
CIFAR assists the couple in addressing their fears and anxieties, in a holistic approach.
Even the many fertility treatments are a long and intricate process in which the patient or couple may require a lot of emotional support and regular supervision, and skilled fertility counsellors are available to provide it.
Fertility counselling is a critical component of any Fertility Treatment. It can be critical to the patient’s physical and mental well-being, especially if the couple has been diagnosed with infertility.
The CIFAR team is well aware of this fact, and counselling is an important component of the patient fertility journey at CIFAR. Special emphasis is placed on cases where IVF treatment has previously failed, or when it has worked but the patient is struggling to adjust to their new lifestyle.